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Skincare News

Before + After Skincare

Before + After Skincare


Acne / Atrophic scars are flat or in more advanced cases recessed indentations in the skin sometimes called ice-pick scars or boxcar scars. These are the scars we most commonly associate with acne. They can also involve hyperpigmentation or dark spots. Micro needling offers a less invasive alternative for deep scarring, Atrophic scars respond very well to micro needling.

Results after 6 sessions - 6 weeks between each session


AGING / Rejuvenation and Tightening

During the skin’s healing process, your body produces fresh collagen to replace the damaged collagen, which rejuvenates your skin by increasing your body’s natural production of collagen and elastin. This results in an overall improvement in the texture and tightness of your skin by “filling in the lines,” and removing the wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks that can keep you looking young as you age.

Collagen is a natural type of protein in the body, made up of amino acids, that forms the connective tissues that hold skin, bone, tendons, muscle and cartilage together. Collagen is important in the way our skin looks and feels because it is the main structural component providing firmness and tightening. Collagen Induction Therapy is perfect for an aging skin.

Results after 6 sessions - 6 weeks between each session



Micro needling is the most effective of all the procedures used to treat pigmentation. Hyperpigmentation can be caused by hormonal changes, exposure to the sun, aging or medication. Dark spots stand out and make a person feel self-conscious. Dark spots of both the epidermis and the dermis layers of the skin can be reduced with the help of micro needling. The micro needling procedure requires approximately 6 sessions with a gap of 4 to 6 weeks between each session. The skin starts responding after the first session and at the end of your treatments, you get firm, rejuvenated clearer looking skin.

Results after 6 sessions - 4 to 6 weeks between each session



It’s best to use combination therapy Consisting of Needling - Collegen Induction Therapy, Peels, Microdermabrasion and ISP active skincare to boost the effectiveness of all outcomes.

Avoid excessive sun exposure and wear sunscreen when going through skin treatments.

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